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Legal Notice

On this page we - Jemca Group - set out the terms that govern the use of this website. By accessing this website you are deemed to have accepted the latest version of these terms. If you are unwilling to accept these terms (which are non-negotiable) please do not use this website.

We may change the terms that govern the use of this website at any time without notice by updating this webpage. It is your responsibility to check this webpage if you want to see the latest version of these terms.

Purpose and target audience of website

This website is for your personal use only and is not to be used for any commercial purpose, whether directly or indirectly, without our prior written consent.

This website is directed solely to the following territories for which we have national marketing and sales responsibilities so far as the supply of Jemca vehicles, parts and/or accessories is concerned ("the Relevant Territories"): England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands.

We have no objection to people outside the Relevant Territories visiting the website provided that they abide by these terms and they recognise that we can only fulfil requests for information and services that are made from within one of the Relevant Territories. It is for people outside the Relevant Territories to ensure that they comply with any local laws when accessing this website.

If you want information about the availability of Jemca products and services outside the Relevant Territories then you should contact the Jemca national marketing and sales company for the territory concerned. If this company is situated within Europe you may find their contact details on Alternatively you should contact your nearest official Jemca dealer.

Website availability

While we endeavour to ensure the continuous accessibility and reliability of this website we cannot guarantee this. Similarly we cannot guarantee that it will always be free of programming errors or viruses although we use our best efforts to ensure that it is.

We reserve the right to deny or restrict access to this website to any one who we believe is or may be -

(1) engaged in any unlawful, malicious or offensive conduct; or

(2) otherwise contravening these terms.

We may suspend or terminate access to this website at any time without notice.

Availability and pricing of advertised products and services

All prices shown on this website are recommended retail prices. Prices relating to finance packages are provided for indicative purposes only and are subject to status and terms and conditions. This means that they may differ from the actual price quoted by an official Jemca dealer for a particular product or service.

Use of website

All copyright, trade marks, design rights, patents and other intellectual property rights (both registered and unregistered) pertaining to this website belong to us, other Jemca Motor Corporation (TMC) group companies and/or third parties. You have no right or licence to use any trade mark, design right or copyright owned or controlled by us, a TMC group company or any third party in relation to this website except as expressly provided in these terms.

You may only view, electronically copy and print the text, images and other content displayed on this website for your own information. The reproduction, modification, or other re-use of any content on this website for any other purpose, in particular any commercial purpose, without our prior written consent is prohibited.

You may not use this website for any unlawful or malicious purpose or in any manner which may cause offence to other website users.

We may edit or remove comments posted on this website.


Some of the product images contained on this website may relate to vehicles with different specifications to those that are available in the Relevant Territories. Please ask your official Jemca dealer to confirm the availability and specification of any vehicle that you are interested in if you have any questions in this regard.

The provision of information on this website about Jemca products and services does not constitute an offer by us to sell or supply such products or services to you directly through this website.

While we take care to ensure the information presented on this website is accurate and up to date, you should be aware that it may include errors or omissions. You should not therefore rely exclusively on this information when making any associated purchase decision. Instead you should consult your official Jemca dealer or your official Jemca service outlet.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the information presented on this website is provided without any warranty, whether express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for any particular purpose, non infringement, completeness or accuracy. From time to time this website may contain links to and from other websites. Unless we own such websites we accept no responsibility for such websites. Please see our Privacy Policy in this regard.

You should be aware that we permit Jemca Financial Services to advertise certain products and to provide certain services on this website. Please see the next section and our Privacy Policy in this regard.

We shall not be liable for any loss or damage that is alleged to be associated with the use of this website or any website accessed from this site including, but not limited to, any economic, consequential, indirect or special loss.

If any of these terms is found to be unenforceable through the Courts then it shall be severed and the remaining terms shall continue to apply.

Nothing in these terms shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

Status disclosure

This website is owned by Jemca Group.

Applicable law

These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Unless we otherwise agree in writing any dispute regarding the interpretation of the terms that cannot be resolved informally shall be referred to and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

Statement of Jemca Group's policy regarding bribery, corruption and anti-competitive practices

Jemca Group and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as "the Jemca Group") are committed to conducting business openly, fairly and honestly. The Jemca Group therefore maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery, corruption and anti-competitive practices. This policy applies to all Jemca Group personnel plus certain contractors on each occasion they have contact with an individual, firm or organisation outside the Jemca Group (collectively referred to as "External Persons") for Jemca business purposes. External Persons include without limitation: prospective and existing suppliers; prospective and existing customers; prospective and existing network centres and service outlets; public bodies with whom the Jemca Group has a non-commercial relationship; charities; and competitors.

It should be noted that Jemca Group personnel are required to report internally amongst other things:

(a) Any financial interest that they have or an associate of theirs has in an External Person. An associate is defined as including a spouse, a partner and any blood or step relative of the person making the declaration or their spouse or partner.

(b) The offer and receipt of all forms of business related gift and hospitality with limited exceptions.

(c) The rejection of the offer of any business related gift and hospitality, whether inward or outward.

(d) Any form of improper behaviour by an External Person or a work colleague.

The offer and receipt of certain types of gift and hospitality are prohibited to Jemca Group personnel, for example personal payments that do not form part of legitimate business hospitality and all forms of gifts and hospitality that are offered during the process of bidding or tendering for contracts. Certain other forms of gift and hospitality are discouraged, for example gifts worth more than £25 and gifts and hospitality to family members. Any External Person that acts improperly may find their relationship with the Jemca Group curtailed either at an individual or corporate level. Further action may be taken depending on the seriousness of the situation.

Jemca Customer Charter

At Jemca we are committed to providing a high level of customer satisfaction and quality products. Both Jemca Group and our Jemca Centre network abide by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute approved Motor Industry Codes of Practice for vehicle sales, service and repair. However, we recognise that we may not always be able to offer dispute resolutions which suit all parties involved.

The first point of contact should be the Jemca Centre you purchased your vehicle from when querying an issue with your vehicle or the service you receive. If this cannot be resolved this can then be escalated to the Centre Manager, or Managing Director of that particular group.

Should this option not provide a suitable resolution, the next option is to contact The Motor Ombudsman. The Motor Ombudsman is a provider of Alternative Dispute Resolution, offering an impartial service to resolve a compliant. They can be contacted at or on 0345 241 3008.

Our New Car Sales Commitment

All vehicles featured in our warranty, pricing and marketing publications will be advertised honestly. The most up to date information regarding your new vehicle purchase can be obtained from your Jemca Centre.

We advise that necessary precautions are taken in order to check that the specification, appearance and dimensions of your potential purchase match your requirements. A test drive of the vehicle is highly recommended and we suggest that any specification queries are taken up with your Jemca Centre before purchase.

Our Used Car Sales Commitment


If you are buying a used car you should check the vehicle history, check that the vehicle has all the features you need and thoroughly inspect the vehicle to ensure that you are happy with the condition.

In the event of an issue arising through the purchase of a used car, the contract of sale is through the Jemca Centre and not Jemca Group, therefore any issues should be taken up with the Centre Manager or, alternatively if you feel that your dispute is not resolved you can contact The Motor Ombudsman.

Other Relevant Web Links

Advertising Standards Authority

Citizens Advice Bureau

Trading Standards

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